A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officer who is a Penn State World Campus student has received this year’s Lt. Michael P. Murphy Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the geospatial intelligence community.
Kwadwo Osseo-Asare, distinguished professor of materials science and engineering and energy and geo-environmental engineering, has received the Materials Research Society’s 2022 MRS Impact Award.
Inspired by the structure of muscles, an innovative new strategy for creating fiber actuators could lead to advances in robotics, prosthetics, and smart clothing, according to a Penn State led team of scientists who discovered the process.
A method of highly accurate and sensitive virus identification using Raman spectroscopy, a portable virus capture device and machine learning could enable real-time virus detection and identification to help battle future pandemics, according to a team of researchers led by Penn State.
Jesse Reimink, assistant professor of geosciences, will use a Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to shed light on how the Earth’s continents took shape between 2.5 and 4 billion years ago.