Academic Advisers in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences are available for advising. General advisers are available to discuss change of major into the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, general education choices and substitutions, academic difficulty, and other quick advising questions.
Please check with your assigned adviser for current appointment options.
"Drop-in” appointments are available in the Ryan Family Student Center (RFSC) in 14 Deike Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-11:30 a.m. and Tuesday, Thursday 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Students can also schedule academic advising appointments with a general adviser in the RFSC by calling 814-863-2751 or talking to the staff in the RFSC. All appointments will be scheduled in Starfish and take place either in-person or through Zoom. A calendar invitation will be sent to your Penn State email address from Starfish Calendar with the appointment details. If Zoom is the chosen meeting location, details on how to connect to Zoom for your scheduled appointment will be included in the Starfish Calendar invitation. Please connect with the adviser using computer audio or phone at the URL or phone number provided.