Read the latest news about research conducted by investigators in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Our faculty and students are continually advancing technology, creating solutions and expanding knowledge with new and innovative research.

John Mauro used the composition of glass found in the windows of London's Westminster Abbey to determine the glass's flow to a liquid is much faster than previously thought but still too slow to account for the windows being thicker at the bottom.
Controlled burning of forestland helped limit the severity of one of California's largest wildfires, according to Penn State geographers.
Representatives from the state and federal government, the energy industry, environmental groups, and numerous Penn State colleges and campuses came together at Penn State on Nov. 29 for a conference on “Regulatory Approaches to Methane and Other Air Emissions from Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations.”
A group of Penn State students is getting charged up by Project BYOB, or "Bring Your Own Bike," a student-driven initiative that is working to create an environmentally friendly transportation system by converting standard bicycles to electric.
Chunshan Song, distinguished professor of fuel science in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) and director of the EMS Energy Institute, was named an honorary professor by Tianjin University in China. He also was selected as a Global Alumni Fellow by Osaka University in Japan.