Our graduate students are integral to the research we conduct, and they also are dedicated to making a difference in communities. Learn more about their research, outreach efforts, and other projects below.
The NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (PSGC) is currently accepting applications to its graduate research fellowship program.
Renowned meteorologist and climate scientist Kerry Emanuel, Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, will discuss policy options to slow global warming at 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 25.
Fossil leaf assemblages from Patagonia, Argentina, suggest that vegetation in South America suffered great losses following an astroid impact but rebounded quickly.
A team of geoscientists thinks the key to understanding some destructive earthquakes may lie in the deep, gradual slow-slip behaviors beneath the subduction zones.
Penn State was selected as an official nominator for the Earthshot Prize, a competition aimed at identifying the most promising solutions to environmental challenges.