Our graduate students are integral to the research we conduct, and they also are dedicated to making a difference in communities. Learn more about their research, outreach efforts, and other projects below.
Through the investigation of insect surfaces, Penn State researchers have detailed a previously unidentified nanostructure that can be used to engineer stronger, more resilient water repellent coatings.
More and more companies are using location data from devices like smartphones and tablets to gain insights into choices consumers make.
A radar signature may help distinguish which severe storms are likely to produce dangerous tornadoes, potentially leading to more accurate warnings, according to scientists.
Parivash Moradifar, a doctoral candidate in materials science and engineering (MatSE), earned the Alumni Association Dissertation Award from the Graduate School for research related to plasmonics, an emerging field between electronics and photonics.
John Shimanek, a doctoral student in materials science and engineering, was one of five students from across the country selected for a federal fellowship program.