Geosciences graduate students worked to create a new exhibit in the EMS Museum & Art Gallery. The exhibit focused on several students' research and employs numerous hands-on activities to create an interactive exhibit.
Whether you’re reading this on your cellphone, tablet or desktop computer, Sam Baker wants you to know one thing: It’s made almost entirely from materials mined from the ground. Baker, a senior majoring in mining engineering, has championed a cause of informing people about the benefit — and necessity — of mining.
For Zongjun Li, a junior majoring in geography at Penn State, the chance to explore real-life opportunities with his degree is what drives him as an undergraduate student.
Policelli, a propulsion development engineer for SpaceX, a private aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company, uses his background in engineering to work on SpaceX’s Merlin engine.
The Penn State Cyber-Laboratory for Astronomy, Materials, and Physics (CyberLAMP) is acquiring a high-performance computer cluster that will facilitate interdisciplinary research and training in cyberscience and is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.