As one of the pioneers of online instruction at Penn State, David DiBiase watched for three decades as programs offered through the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute broadly expanded access to education.
Jon Nese, host of Penn State’s “Weather World,” says you can trace the roots of a longtime partnership with the astronomy and astrophysics department to the ancient Greek meaning of the word “meteorology.”
Kelly Cui is president of the PSAA Beijing Alumni Chapter. She graduated from Penn State in 2015 with a degree in Environmental Systems Engineering from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Most recently she participated as an alumni panelist on a panel titled “The Global Impact of Penn State Alumni."
Penn State professor Jose D. Fuentes has received an American Geophysical Union 2020 Presidential Citation as part of the team that launched the anti-racism initiative "No Time for Silence."
Leaking natural gas wells are considered a potential source of methane emissions, and a new nanomaterial cement mixture could provide an effective, affordable solution for sealing these wells, according to a team of Penn State scientists.