David Yoxtheimer, assistant research professor and extension specialist, will discuss the science and technology of shale energy development, and how to combine research, policy and technology to mitigate the environmental issues while meeting society’s energy needs.
Zuleima Karpyn, professor of petroleum and natural gas, has been appointed associate dean of graduate education and research in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
Four graduate students in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences’ Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MastSE) were awarded 2020 Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation.
Richard Alley, Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences, will lead a discussion with the researchers and graduate students of Penn State’s ice group on how much sea-level rise scientists expect from melting ice and answer questions about what this means for citizens and scientists.
From Taiwan to Texas and many places in between, Penn State senior Emily Loucks has spent her academic career traveling the globe and learning as much as she can.