Maram Ejaimi’s passion for engineering ignited in a way those dedicated to improving diversity in STEM fields love to hear.
Comparing dust simulations and health data for Senegal, an international team of researchers found dust to be responsible for poor air quality, which is followed by a rise in poor health outcomes.
When Matthew Kumjian, associate professor of meteorology at Penn State, looks at radar observations, he drills down to the fundamentals of what each piece of the puzzle is telling him.
A Penn State researcher is a part of a multi-university team that received a $513,000 grant to study the decision-making process that governs how people in the U.S. receive electricity.
Erica Smithwick, E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Professor of Geography at Penn State, will discuss “burning” land management decisions and fire-related solutions at the next EarthTalks seminar at 4 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 17, in 112 Walker Building at University Park.