Penn State World Campus graduate students in the Rural/Regional Geodesign Challenges studio course were asked to apply their knowledge to help develop a large-scale recovery, restoration and sustainability plan for one of the most iconic and revered sites in the United States, Yellowstone National Park.
The International Congress on Glass (ICG) was held June 9-14 in Boston, Massachusetts, with strong Penn State representation. More than 900 people from 45 countries attended the ICG led by John Mauro and Richard Brow.
Nine Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences tenured and tenure-line faculty members have been selected for promotions, effective July 1, 2019.
NASA took “one giant leap” 50 years ago with the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first astronauts on the moon. To celebrate the anniversary of the mission’s launch, on July 16 Penn State will support an attempt by the U.S. Space and Rocket Center to break the Guinness World Record for most model rockets launched simultaneously.
Delbert Day is among seven Penn State alumni who received the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award, the highest honor the University bestows upon its alumni.