From Thursday, July 11, through Saturday, July 13, Penn State's Art of Discovery booth at the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts will feature free, hands-on activities and demonstrations including EMS.
One of the world's most important plant families has a history extending much farther south than any live or fossil specimen previously recorded, as shown by chinquapin fruit and leaf fossils unearthed in Patagonia, Argentina, according to researchers.
The origin of flaked-stone tool production is older than 2.58 million years ago, according to an international team of scientists working at the Bokol Dora 1 archaeological site in the Afar region of Ethiopia. Previously the oldest evidence of flaked-stone tools was younger than 2.58 million years ago.
Bacteria may be the key to understanding how life survived after the mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs.
Penn State student Colton Milcarek recently loaded a suitcase-sized instrument into a car and set out across State College to sniff out potential greenhouse gas leaks.