Once the fodder of science fiction books and movies, Artificial intelligence -- AI -- and machine learning are making an impact on nearly every facet of society.
Dan Coughlin’s hands skip across his keyboard, then he reaches for the mouse. With just a few clicks, a week’s worth of video lessons for the applications development class he teaches at University Park are uploaded, embedded and waiting for his students in Canvas.
Ensuring a tolerable climate future, one that reduces warming while considering the costs, requires immediate global action, according to an international team of scientists.
Daniel Lentz, a 2010 graduate of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, is one of 15 recipients of the 2019 Penn State Alumni Association Alumni Achievement Award.
Members of Penn State’s Positive Energy student group recently partnered with ClearWater Conservancy, a local conservation group, to clean up a riparian buffer at a farm located in Hublersburg, Pennsylvania.