Suzanne Mohney, professor of materials science and engineering and electrical engineering, is the 2019 recipient of the Penn State Graduate School Alumni Society Graduate Program Chair Leadership Award.
Joan Redwing, professor of materials science and engineering in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, is among five Penn State faculty members have received 2019 Faculty Scholar Medals for Outstanding Achievement for excellence in scholarship, research and the arts.
R. Allen Kimel, associate teaching professor of materials science and engineering (MatSE) in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, is the recipient of Penn State's 2019 Undergraduate Program Leadership Award.
Alan MacEachren, professor of geography in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences has received a Penn State 2019 Graduate Faculty Teaching Award.
To commemorate its 10th anniversary, Penn State's Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds (CEHW) will host a celebration on April 2, with three sessions of talks and panel discussions for technical, academic and public audiences.