Penn State’s Graduate Writing Center (GWC) is celebrating 20 years of service to graduate students this month. Founded in January 1999, it was one of the first writing centers dedicated to graduate-level communication.
The Mary E. Rolling Reading series lecture by Penn State professors Julia Spicher Kasdorf and Steven Rubin originally scheduled for Jan. 24 will now take place at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31 in Paterno Library's Foster Auditorium.
Robert Hickey, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, will use a $450,000 grant from the United States Air Force to research nanostructured polymer materials for applications in integrated optical circuits, which could allow computers to process information at light-speed.
Microbes that thrive in some of the most extreme places on Earth have discovered another cozy place to live — inside homes across the United States.
Oil companies are missing out on vast sums of recoverable oil in unconventional reservoirs, according to Penn State experts.