A college education presents an opportunity for students to build fulfilling relationships with educators. For some, the influence of these relationships can last a lifetime.
Katelyn Adkison will represent the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences as its student marshal at Penn State's fall 2018 undergraduate commencement ceremony.
Penn State researchers were among a team of international scientists whose work on a new climate assessment of North America provides a better understanding of the carbon cycle.
A team of materials scientists from Penn State, Cornell and Argonne National Laboratory have, for the first time, visualized the 3D atomic and electron density structure of the most complex perovskite crystal structure system decoded to date.
An undesirable trait found in traditionally processed superalloys does not exist in a 3D-printed, nickel-based superalloy, according to a team of materials scientists who think this could lead to new manufacturing techniques that allow for alloys with tailored properties.