An $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will allow Penn State researchers to investigate a new approach for removing rare-earth fission products from the molten salt baths where used nuclear fuel is electro-refined to recycle uranium and minimize nuclear waste.
Dramatically longer-lasting, faster-charging and safer lithium metal batteries may be possible, according to Penn State research, recently published in Nature Energy.
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is conducting an Assessment of the Living, Learning, and Working Environment (ALLWE) in the college. Deadline to take survey is November 30, 2018.
Prompted by the industry demand for trained experts in additive manufacturing and design for additive manufacturing, Penn State is offering a new graduate certificate in additive manufacturing and design (AMD) through Penn State World Campus.
Penn State researchers are working on new technology to capture CO2 before it gets into the atmosphere and either sequester it or use it to create new products.