The following is a list of fixed-term faculty promotions at Penn State, effective July 1.
A team of Penn State graduate students recently received the 2018 Michael P. Murphy Award in Geospatial Intelligence, a Penn State endowed scholarship award, for work they did during a geospatial intelligence course offered though the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute.
Despite economic woes that could shutter two of Pennsylvania's nuclear power plants — which generate 6 percent of the state's power — power prices will remain steady due to low natural gas prices, according to Seth Blumsack, associate professor of energy policy and economics, Penn State.
Penn State students again finished near the top worldwide in the Imperial Barrel Award Competition, which pits more than 100 teams against one another in an exercise to assess the petroleum potential of a given geographic basin.
A team led by Penn State's Applied Research Laboratory, in collaboration with the Center for Innovative Processing thru Direct Digital Deposition, has received a $1.4 million grant by the Air Force Research Laboratory to examine the random flaws that arise during the process of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.