Penn State President Eric Barron and his wife, Molly Barron, are advancing the University’s current fundraising campaign, “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” not only through their vision for Penn State’s future, but also as donors themselves.
The Penn State handball team is expanding — with the help of a key player and two coaches from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences — from just a handful of members to two championship-caliber squads in just a few years.
A 10-fold increase in the ability to harvest mechanical and thermal energy over standard piezoelectric composites may be possible using a piezoelectric ceramic foam supported by a flexible polymer support, according to Penn State researchers.
Human Health and the Environment seed grants for 2018 have been awarded to eight interdisciplinary teams of Penn State researchers. The seed grants were funded through a collaboration of Penn State Institutes and the College of Medicine, which collectively contributed more than $400,000.
Zuleima Karpyn, professor and chair, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering was elected an administrative fellow for 2018-19. Her mentor will be Nick Jones, executive vice president and provost.