Three Penn State graduate students ─ John Banghoff, Min Liew, and Elena Vazquez ─ have been awarded the Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award.
Tight-knit friendships have allowed a group of female students to excel in a field that has traditionally been male dominated, materials science and engineering. Throughout their time at Penn State, these students took on leadership roles, conducted research, represented Penn State at national conferences and prepared for the start of their careers.
The Honorable Kathleen A. "Katie" McGinty will deliver the address for the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) undergraduate graduation ceremony. The ceremony will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 4, in Pegula Ice Arena on Penn State’s University Park campus.
The Penn State student team won first place in the Suburban Single-Family Housing Contest of the U.S. Department of Energy Race to Zero Student Design Competition on April 22.
Ancient Mayan civilization in Central America, which collapsed around 1,000 years ago, is being brought to life in a new Penn State project. Two doctoral students in geography, Jiawei Huang and Arif Masrur, have recreated the Mayan ruins of Cahal Pech, in Belize, using virtual reality.