Twice a year, Global Programs solicits applications for international travel from faculty and graduate students. Based on the review committees’ evaluations and recommendations, 30 applicants were selected for funding support. The awardees will travel to 19 countries on four continents.
John Mauro used the composition of glass found in the windows of London's Westminster Abbey to determine the glass's flow to a liquid is much faster than previously thought but still too slow to account for the windows being thicker at the bottom.
Before concluding his keynote presentation at the Graduate School’s Career Exploration Workshop at Penn State’s University Park campus in October, Roy Schuyler III shared a piece of advice that reflects the way he has led his own life: “Leave a legacy.”
One day a polar bear shows up at Sophia's house asking if it can come inside. Its habitat melted and the bear needs a new home. So starts "The Tantrum that Saved the World," a new children's book about climate change's effects on creatures and communities around the world, by Penn State researcher Michael Mann and author and illustrator Megan Herbert.
Varumporn Pimsen has been named the student marshal for the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' fall 2017 commencement ceremony. She will lead the college’s procession of graduates during the Penn State undergraduate commencement ceremony at 9 a.m. Dec. 16 at the Bryce Jordan Center on the University Park campus.