Edward C. Dowling Jr., a graduate of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, was awarded the lifelong title of Alumni Fellow by the Penn State Alumni Association earlier this fall. The Alumni Fellow Award is the most prestigious award given by the Penn State Alumni Association.
Faculty and students in the Department of Geography are among the many Penn State Earth scientists participating in the 2017 American Geophysical Union meeting, which began Dec. 11 and runs through Dec. 15 in New Orleans. The geographers are highlighting applications of new visualization technologies for Earth science topics.
Jenni Evans, professor of meteorology and atmospheric science in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Penn State, has been elected president of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). AMS is the nation’s premier scientific and professional organization promoting and disseminating information about the atmospheric, oceanic and hydrologic sciences.
Controlled burning of forestland helped limit the severity of one of California's largest wildfires, according to Penn State geographers.
Representatives from the state and federal government, the energy industry, environmental groups, and numerous Penn State colleges and campuses came together at Penn State on Nov. 29 for a conference on “Regulatory Approaches to Methane and Other Air Emissions from Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations.”