This spring Penn State expects to award 13,894 diplomas to students University-wide who are completing 226 associate, 11,435 baccalaureate, 1,590 master’s, 262 law, 244 doctoral and 137 medical degrees. Following is a compilation of commencement ceremonies and speaker information for Penn State’s 24 locations.
David Titley, professor of international affairs and of practice in the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State, will discuss the role the military could play in combating climate change during the TED 2017 conference. Titley will join seven other speakers from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. April 26 for Session 6: Planet, Protection, hosted by Chris Anderson, the owner of TED, a nonprofit organization that provides idea-based talks.
Alton D. Romig Jr., executive officer of the National Academy of Engineering, will deliver the address for the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) baccalaureate degree commencement ceremony, to be held at 8 p.m. May 5 in Pegula Ice Arena on Penn State’s University Park campus.
The Integrative Studies Seed Grant Program, offered through the Penn State Office for General Education, will support 71 different course development projects this summer. In response to the large volume of highly qualified proposals, the budget was generously increased by more than 50 percent by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Undergraduate Education.
Spring 2017 produced a record-breaking number of applications for Global Programs Travel Grants.