The "clean-energy economy" always seems a few steps away but never quite here. Fossil fuels still power transportation, heating and cooling, and manufacturing, but a team of scientists from Penn State and Florida State University have come one step closer to inexpensive, clean hydrogen fuel with a lower cost and industrially scalable catalyst that produces pure hydrogen through a low-energy water-splitting process.
Lee Kump, professor and head of the Department of Geosciences at Penn State, has been named the new dean of Penn State’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, pending approval of the Penn State Board of Trustees on July 21. Kump will serve as interim dean from June 1 to July 20.
When it comes to global challenges, there are none more pressing to Penn State alumni Frank and Janet Glasgow Dudek than food safety and clean energy. They are passionate about finding solutions to those challenges, and that's why they are providing $50,000 to Penn State to lead the way.
Several faculty and students within the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering were honored for excellence at the Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference in Pittsburgh.
The following is a list of academic promotions for tenured and tenure-line faculty members at Penn State, effective July 1.