Sixteen students were inducted as laureates of the Earth and Mineral Sciences Academy for Global Experience (EMSAGE), which honors a select number of students in Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences for their scholarship, service and global experiences.
Five longtime Penn State champions and benefactors — including John A. Dutton, professor emeritus of meteorology and dean emeritus of the Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences — will be recognized by the Penn State Alumni Association and named honorary alumni.
In a commentary in the April issue of Nature Plants, Karl Zimmerer, professor of geography, argues that a comprehensive approach to protecting the human use of biodiversity of agricultural crops is vital to a sustainable food future that addresses global hunger, increasing populations and changing climate.
The Schreyer Honors College distributed four annual senior awards to Scholars at a reception in the HUB-Robeson Center's Alumni Hall.
Army Capt. Andy Duhon balanced his coursework with his military service and family as he earned his master’s degree through Penn State World Campus.